Clinical Services

1. Therapies 

Depressive Disorder
Anxiety Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Psychotic Disorder
Alcohol Dependence & Substance Abuse
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Issues
● Autism Spectrum Disorder
● Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
● Other Learning Disability
● Eating Disorder
● Suicidality, Cutting and other Intentional Self-Injury
● School Issues
● Family Challenges
Old-Age Mental Health Issues
Anger Management
Stress & Work-Life Issues
Relationship Issues


 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC - IVUK)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS - IVUK)
 Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI – 2)
Vineland - II
 Childhood Autism Rating Scale, 3rd Edition (CARS 2)
Conners 3rd Edition
Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale (CAARS)
The Dyslexia Screening Test – Junior (DST-J)
The Dyslexia Screening Test – Secondary (DST-S)


● Marital counseling
Grief & Loss counseling
Family counseling
Relationship counseling
● Group counseling

School Health Advisory Program
SHAP provides stress inoculation training for students including assessment and treatment together with guidance and support program for parents, teachers, and caregivers to cope with child developmental, emotional, and behavioral difficulties and adolescent maladaptive behavior.

Talks & Workshop 

We provide both half-day and full-day workshops to suit your group or organizational needs. Below are some examples of workshops we have conducted. For more information on the workshop program and topics, kindly contact us.
Taking control of your stress (Stress Management)
Humour in the workplace
How to develop a ‘Difficult People’ Immunity
Dealing with Conflicts
Creating a Culture of Respect
Anger Management
Time of Transition: Dealing with Change
Grief and Bereavement
Work Life Harmony
Improving Self-Esteem
Substance Abuse and Dependence
Sex Addiction
Sexual Harassment
Parenting Stress
Developing Assertive Skills